Meridian Ave. Baptist ChurchMeridian Avenue Baptist Church

200 N. Meridian Avenue
Wichita, Ks. 67203
(316) 943-2397

Good morning MABC family!

I want to begin by thanking our Vacation BibleSchool volunteers this morning.  We had a great Saturday that only could have happened with our volunteers.  Given that last Sunday’s message focused on community and being of one accord it was such a blessing to have you all there.

Yesterday we followed Peter’s journey from the fisherman picked to lead Jesus’ revolutionary movement to his bold sermon on Pentecost.  The thing that struck me the most in working on that message is how much my journey was similar to Peter’s.   Early on my faith life was a series of ups and downs just like Peter.  I was in and then I was idle in my faith only to be “in” again.  And then out again and finally found my calling.  Maybe your faith life has been similar and I would bet it has been.  The extremes may not have been as dramatic but you have had your moments. 

Peter’s transformation has become very noticeable in Acts 2. Remember the last images we have of Peter are denying Jesus and then after the resurrection, without Jesus’ constant physical presence, he kind of gave it all up and went back to fishing.  Now, the same Peter who denied Jesus three times now stands boldly before a large crowd of Jews from all over the world. He speaks and later on in chapter 2 we are told that the people are asking “what do we need to do?” Finally, we are told that 3000 people became followers that day. What a transformation!

 In my reading last week I came across a great example of the transformation process. It was a magnet!  When something becomes magnetized, it doesn’t change shape or size but is changed internally.  Something happens within that changes its relationship with other items. That change means the object relates to other objects differently now.  That is a good example of the spirit filled transformation that we go through when we decide to follow Jesus.  Physically we make look the same but there is something about our nature and character that is different. And when I say different, I mean that in a good way. There should be a notable change in the way we treat people. We should see things differently and react to things differently. Our thoughts, words and actions should have “kingdom purpose.”

 One caution for you in becoming that “magnetic” presence for Jesus.  Sometimes magnets repel rather than attract.  So, it will be for us too.  I will attract some people and repel some people as will you.  This is why the community of church is so important if we want to reach all people. 

I will not be in the office this week as Sherry and I are taking some time off.  In an emergency don’t hesitate to call.  I will be checking email as well.

Be blessed and be a magnet for Jesus for this week!

 Pastor Rick