Good Morning MABC family and friends,
I hope you are preparing for an interesting day as we await the “total eclipse” later this morning and early afternoon. I think in our area we are to expect around 87% of total eclipse. The next opportunity for us in America to view another total eclipse is 2044.
Yesterday’s message focused on Jesus’ question to Peter there on the shore of Galilee. It had been some time since the two had seen each other and Jesus knows His time on earth is coming to an end. He has business to attend with Peter, the one whom He has chosen to be the leader of the Church moving forward. After the events of Holy Week, Jesus needs Peter to affirm his love and trust in Him. Jesus knows that things are going to get tough for those who chose to follow Him after He returns to His Father in Heaven.
Do you love me more than these? We aren’t sure what “these” Jesus was talking about in Peter’s case. Jesus asks us the question as well. What is the “these” in your life that keeps you from being “all in?” What is it that holds you back from total surrender? Does Jesus have every part of your day except at work? Are there things you say and do at work that those who sit near you in church might think are questionable? Do you flirt with line between honesty and dishonesty? The so called “gray areas?” Men, when you are out with the “boys” what is your conversation like? Your jokes? Your stories? Ladies, when you are gathered with your friends, who do you talk about?
All of us battle something. Satan is a wary adversary and he knows our weaknesses. He loves it when he gets us going in the wrong direction, saying the wrong things, and doing things which might cause others to question the sincerity of our faith life and damage our witness. He loves when he can get us isolated and alone. That is why we need each other. We need community. We need the church. Not the building but the people.
Most importantly, we need Jesus. Until the day we enter into our eternity we will fight this battle with “these.” The battle goes a little easier when we follow the plan of our leader, the Lord Jesus. He has a plan for us and his ways are good. And, He has already defeated Satan at Easter and is coming back to make all things right. Put your trust in Him in Him and Him alone.
Your “these” will come and go but Jesus has promised to be with us always.
I will not be in the office this morning. I will be over tomorrow for the pastors’ cluster meeting and an Evangelism/Missions team meeting.
Have a great week. Don’t look at the eclipse without protection!
Pastor Rick