Good (very early) Morning MABC family,
Big thanks to those who went out in the neighborhood yesterday morning after church to get the invites out for our Easter activities. God certainly gave us a beautiful day to get out and about. I have had some of the “walkers” say they even had opportunity to hold conversations with people out and about. What a good way to make our presence known! There will still be some opportunities in the next couple of weeks to participate in getting the door hangers out in the neighborhood. We hit a big portion of the 500 hangers we have but we still have more. We had a few get taken out to Prairie Homestead as well.
There will be some impact over time from getting the invites but the biggest impact we can make is your “three.” Those are people you already have relationships with, who are known to you in some way. Surveys say that approximately 51% of unchurched people will respond favorably to a personal invite from someone they know when invited to attend church. Please continue to pray for your “three” and everybody else’s “three.” And, would you pray that our door hangers have an impact on the hearts they are supposed to touch?
We have two more weeks in our sermon series Entrusted. Next week we will finish up our models of witnessing. If you haven’t heard a style or approach that fits your personality yet, I hope next week you will. The last message in the series might be the most difficult as we talk about the cost of following Jesus and being his witnesses. Remember, he promised us there would be struggles and that the world would hate us because it hated him. We can see that more and more in our world today.
I am excited as we move towards the highlight of the Christian year…Easter. It will be two weeks of celebrating the gift of Jesus, his death and resurrection. March 24th will be the cantata. You might consider inviting someone who may not want to sit through a sermon but would come for a musical performance. Don’t worry, they will still get to hear the gospel during the cantata and then we will make sure to share the gospel as we close the service. If you need a little more incentive for your “three,” we will forgo Life Studies on Easter Sunday and have breakfast in Fellowship Hall during that hour. I believe we are doing biscuits and gravy with fruit. I will make sure you have more details and we will get them on the web page.
Please remember I am traveling the early part of this week with my father to his brother’s funeral in Delaware. I will be checking emails or feel free to text. In an emergency, don’t hesitate to call.
Have a blessed week!
Pastor Rick