Hey all,
I am so excited this morning ! We have focused on revival in my first month with you. I am beginning to pick up on some things that really get me going. Last week on Facebook I saw someone get involved in a conversation with a friend that included an invite to join us in worship on Sunday. And that friend said she would love to! Then, after yesterday’s message, someone in attendance went out to eat and tried something new. They told the waiter they were getting ready to bless their meal and if he had anything he needed prayer for. And he said yes! This couple said it was scary to get out of their comfort zone but it worked!
This coming Sunday we will finish up our series on “Awakening.” Out of the five weeks, this may be the most difficult. The title is “It’s Gonna Cost Ya.” True discipleship comes with a very heavy price. Jesus taught the disciples to pray “thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” and that kind of thinking cost Jesus his life. He told the disciples – and us through the Bible – that if we were going to follow him, we would have to take up our cross. In Roman times, taking up a cross was a one-way trip. A one-way trip that meant dying to self.
Please remember that I will not be in the office this morning. I will be over Tuesday morning instead as we have an Evangelism & Missions team meeting plus the monthly men’s lunch. Also, the Hwangs, ABC missionaries from Japan, will be sharing tonight at AWANAs. If you missed them at Prairie Homestead yesterday you have one more opportunity to hear them. This Wednesday night in our Bible study we will begin to focus on overcoming objections to the Christian way of life. We had some visitors yesterday who said they caught our worship on Facebook and also our study on Wednesday nights.
Be blessed this week. Ask God for opportunities to share your faith. Tony Evans says we should be the kind of Christ followers that when we get up in the morning the Devil says “Oh crap, he’s up!”
Pastor Rick