Good morning all!

I want to share with you one more key point from yesterday’s message about the woman with the troubled daughter.  It was to be a part of the message but as we neared that point in the message I glanced at the clock and knew we still had communion to share and didn’t want to keep you too long!  As it was we were still going to go a little long.

It’s easy to miss if we are focusing on the woman but did you notice the attitude of the disciples?

       “Then his disciples urged him to send her away. “Tell her to go away,” they said. “She is bothering us with all her begging.”  Matthew 15:23 (NLT)

The disciples are asking the Lord to dismiss her because she is infringing on their time.  They are annoyed and want what they want.  They didn’t want to get involved.

As people of faith, how many of us act this same way from time to time?  “I should go do this but you know it’s Saturday and my only free day.” Or maybe you asked them for help once and they didn’t come so you think why should I help them. “I am too busy” is another as well as “I am tired of helping.” Even worse yet is the reason “let somebody else do it.” 

Look, Jesus had been very busy. He had been in Gennesaret.  He had fed the 5,000 and had taught.  He thought he would get some rest but instead had to go rescue the disciples in a boat from storm.  Then he taught some more.  He left for Tyre and Sidon to get some rest and then comes this Gentile woman with some family problems.

I have to confess that sometimes I feel just like the disciples do. Someone comes to me or to church with a need…perhaps money, perhaps a prayer, and they come at a time when I just want to be left alone.  So, I quickly grant their request in order that I can get on with what I wanted to do.

Have you ever felt that way? Are there people you consider a bother? You may help them, but you really don’t feel much compassion for them? We help some people begrudgingly and then invite them to our church and then we wonder why they don’t appreciate it or don’t embrace our invitation to come to our church.  Could it be they can tell we really didn’t care or were just carrying out some duty? 

Here’s the main point! Even when our faith is shaken, there are times we should get involved when we really don’t want to.  Our lives have their own messes and getting involved in someone else’s…well it’s just too much!  Please remember that when these opportunities arise, they may be very well be divine appointments.  God has chosen you to help a person in distress. He has called you to be the messenger of his hope and love.  What an awesome calling!

Pastor Rick

P.S. I will be in the office today and tomorrow this week.  I have a cluster meeting on Tuesday at 11:30.