Hey all,

It is a big week! We were busy making preparations and decorating today for our one-day vacation bible school coming up this Saturday. We want the Fellowship Hall area to be a fun and exciting place to be for our kiddos this Saturday.  Afterall, we have a fun and exciting message for them.  They need to know that the Creator of the Universe created them and that they are his Masterpiece!  

Vacation Bible School is a church inreach/outreach event that can only be done by a community of believers known as “the church.” Again, it is the people who are the church, not the brick and mortar building.  Off of the top of my head I think we have about 25 volunteers for Saturday.  There are people involved in the general assembly,  making crafts, sharing snacks, teaching the lessons, playing games, serving lunch, handling registration and some doing whatever needs to be done.  Remember, we have been empowered and gifted by the Holy Spirit for mission and to benefit one another.

I want to reinforce Sunday’s message about the significance of community.  All of us need to step up our game when it comes to fulfilling the Great Commission and being Jesus’ witnesses.  And, yes, that includes me!  On Sunday I challenged you to do better at handing out our new evangelistic invite cards.  Well, I messed up! I went out to eat with another couple.  As per my habit, I asked the waitress if she needed us to pray for anything as we blessed our meal.  She said she could use prayers for the baby she was expecting.  It is due at the end of the month but they might induce early because of blood pressure issues.  So, please keep Stephania and her baby in your prayers.  Now that was all good except that I forgot to pull out the invite card I had put in my shirt pocket.  I promise you I will make that a habit just as asking them if they need prayer is a habit.

How about you?  Can you do better?  Have you even handed out one of the cards?  Would all of you promise to hand out at least one this week?  We call all do better and it starts with me.

Have a blessed week!