Meridian Ave. Baptist ChurchMeridian Avenue Baptist Church

200 N. Meridian Avenue
Wichita, Ks. 67203
(316) 943-2397


We are excited to present again to the congregation and community, Marketplace 2015.  The dates are Friday, April 10th 6 – 8 pm for the church family only, and Saturday, April 11th 8 am – 2 pm for everyone in the community.  Proceeds will go to help kids attend camp and to support our youth ministry.  Shopkeepers can decide what percentage of their sales will go toward the ministry project.

Shopkeepers are needed to make this a success.  Shopkeepers will bring items from home that are clean and in good repair.  Shopkeepers will set up their booth, work their booth on Friday & Saturday, clean up Saturday and remove all leftover items from the church on Sunday.  This is a great way to get rid of all those “spring cleaning” treasures you don’t want anymore.

Shopkeepers can also have a booth with hand made items available for sale.

Pricing:  Items will not be priced.  The purpose of a Marketplace is to barter and make deals.  In previous years, we received more for bartered items for the most part than if we had taken the time to price items, plus, it was a lot of fun making “deals” and getting to know people.  Craft items may be priced as they are new and have labor involved.

Have just a few items? Two or more people can go together to have a booth if you feel you don’t have enough for a booth on your own, or contact someone who will be having a booth, and bring in items to be displayed at their table.

Alternative Booths: If anyone would like to have a booth for baked goods, we would encourage that.  We also hope to serve a light lunch and snacks on Saturday.  If you are interested in helping with this, please let us know.

We need shopkeepers to sign up ASAP so we can make sure we have enough booths for the Marketplace.  To sign up, or if you have questions, contact:  Donnella Lawson, or Joyce Huntsperger.  We also need extra volunteers to help shopkeepers with their booths, cashiers, elevator operators, etc.  Booths can be set up any time after Wednesday, April 8th. Don’t forget extension cords and fresh batteries to help with your sales.

Now is the time to start cleaning out and cleaning up all those items in the attic, garage, and basement.