Meridian Avenue Baptist Church

1 John 5:4, ‘…for everyone born of God overcomes the world.  This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.’
     This morning while thinking about Pastor Dick’s message, “On to Victory”, I decided to Google ‘victory in Christian life’.  The Internet search led me to an article on the website.  The article is a part of a series on ‘The Victorious Christian Life’.  Below are a few of the items that caught my attention as I read through the article.  
“… the victorious life is a gift received from God by faith. Our salvation was a gift. We did not deserve it or earn it in the least. Victory is also a gift. We cannot obtain it in our strength.”
“Faith does nothing; faith lets God do it all.”
“Victory is in trusting, not trying.”  (Pastor Dick’s message series on Elijah have illustrated this point.)

“Do not rely on past victories for future victory. Always rely on Christ alone. Rest in the Lord consistently. Victory can be only ours as we obey all the commands of the Spirit to us personally.”

To read the entire article, visit….