Meridian Ave. Baptist ChurchMeridian Avenue Baptist Church

200 N. Meridian Avenue
Wichita, Ks. 67203
(316) 943-2397

When and Where:

Meridian Avenue Baptist Church has scheduled a trip to Nicaragua for the dates of January 22 through January 31 of 2015.  While these dates are fairly certain there is always a possibility that we may shift the dates a day or so up or down the calendar to obtain the best airfare pricing available.

Who, What and Why Nicaragua:

The American Baptist Churches – USA have missionaries serving in a couple of areas of Nicaragua.  One husband and wife team is working to plant churches in south eastern Nicaragua and another husband and wife team, based in the capital city of Managua, work to help improve the health of people living in rural Nicaragua.

Dr. David and Dr. Laura Parajón are ABC-USA missionaries who work with AMOS Health and Hope, a medical ministry sponsored by the Nicaragua Council of Protestant Churches. AMOS Health and Hope is dedicated to serving people caught in poverty in rural Nicaragua and improving their quality of life.   AMOS Health and Hope approach their ministry in several different ways and that is where our group of volunteers will be helpful.  Groups of volunteer workers have been going to Nicaragua for many years and often assist with some type of work project.  Some volunteer work teams have assisted with disaster relief efforts following hurricanes and/or floods.  Many more work teams have assisted in work projects that helped improve the quality of life in the communities they visited.

While working on our project our group of volunteers from the U.S.A. will be working along side people from the local rural community.  These trips offer unique opportunities to get to know people from another culture and their way of life that you can never discover from a book or television.  This is truly a ‘you have to be there to appreciate it’ opportunity.

You can learn more about AMOS Health and Hope at their web site:

The Other Who:

The other who is people like yourself; someone who might have an interest in being a part of such an adventure.  So many people are more concerned about what skill sets they can or cannot bring to a work project than what the work project may bring to them.  There will be an opportunity for all who go to serve in some capacity.  The work will be at a Latin American pace, which is more relaxed than is normally found in our country and there will be a variety of ways in which to serve.  The only real skill set you need to have to be a part of one of these trips is a desire to participate and to have an open mind about people living in a different culture.

Health Considerations:

Here is a short list of reasons why people should not consider being a part of this trip.  If anyone is taking any medication that requires refrigeration then you should consider not joining this trip.  In all likelihood our team of volunteers will be spending a few days in rural Nicaragua where electricity is not available and therefore there will be no refrigeration available.  Likewise if the use any piece of medical equipment, such as a CPAP machine, for your health needs it is necessary to know that electrical power may not be available at all times.