Meridian Avenue Baptist Church

Named in honor of the prophet Amos, who cared for his people, AMOS is an acronym for “A Ministry Of Sharing”.  At AMOS Health & Hope our core values are inspired by Jesus’ example: a commitment to serve alongside those most in need, to live out the Gospel through love in action, and to celebrate with local leaders as they work towards bringing peace, justice and health to their communities.

Keep up with AMOS through their newsletters!



03/26/2015 – She is Saving Lives. Watch How Inside.

02/26/2015 – [Great New Video]: Her Dream is to Help the Community that Needs Her

01/30/2015 – How do Short Term Service Teams Make a Long Term Difference?

01/08/2015 – Because of Your Gifts, We Can Continue Serving Rural Nicaragua!



12/31/2014 – Last Chance to Give in 2014! Life is Too Precious NOT to Get Involved.

12/18/2014 – GIVE the Gift of Better Health and Empowerment for Women and Children like Mirna and Doris!

12/02/2014 – Support AMOS this #GivingTuesday and Give Health to Thousands!

11/25/2014 – This Thanksgiving, See the Reasons We are Thankful for you!

10/30/2014 – Do You Remember Maykel? Get Ready for #GivingTuesday!

09/30/2014 – Clean Water Program Reaches a Milestone and Watch Dr. Laura Parajón on camera!

09/16/2014 – Come Intern or Volunteer with AMOS this Year!

08/28/2014 – Watch Our Youth Empowerment Video and 2 Ways You Can Get Involved!

07/29/2014 – 4 Women Helping AMOS to Improve Children’s Nutrition and Other July Highlights

06/26/2014 – Watch Our Latest Video and Read a Rewarding Story of Returning

05/29/2014 – Mentor Program Begins

04/30/2014 – Youth Empowerment and Earthquakes Shake Nicaragua

04/10/2014 – Great News: You Can Read AMOS’s 2013 Annual Report Online Now!

04/01/2014 – Remember a Life and Help Us Serve You Better

02/27/2014 – Pinteresting things happening at AMOS!

02/17/2014 – Not too late to apply! Deadline March 1st